Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Virtual Reality

One of my topics of interest this semester was Virtual Reality. That itself is a nebulous term, a fact which I exploited heavily. As my first of three interpretations of the phrase, I created a piece of writing detailing a specific virtual space.

This game environment (located after the jump) is my second interpretation. It is extremely limited. I spent a solid month on it, which amounts to very little, even if I had had a team at my disposal.

However, the game has been causing my blog to take up too much memory upon loading. Feel free to play it after the jump.

There you can also find my original writing. The game environment is not a direct interpretation of the text.

It is winter. It is deep in the woods, so the ground is covered in leaves. The leaves crunch underfoot. There is a small structure whose purpose is not easily discernible. It is barely taller than a man, cube-like, and painted white. It stands very close to the trees. Very little clearing, if any, was done for the construction of this hut. One grey-green pipe protrudes from the wall and immediately descends back under ground. There is one door and it is locked.

Beyond the hut is a simple fence, just a string of barbed wire, with the words PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING. Beyond the fence, there is a clearing, an open field rectangular in shape. Opposite the fence, the land slopes down into a tight, horseshoe shaped valley. There is the beginning of a creek at the center, where all the water has flowed, and it continues down between two hills. The creek is dry. Downhill, more and more exposed rocks become visible from underneath the soil. Some of the rocks jut out sharply, the earth beneath them having been eroded, and some rocks show only their flat tops.

As the creek bed travels beyond the first valley, it flows into another, larger one. In this valley, there is a fallen tree propped up within the Y fork of another tree. At its broken base, many leaves have collected. There are fewer trees within the valleys than there are on the tops. These trees are often smaller too.

The creek gets wider as it travels down the slope. Rocks may try to dam it and tree limbs may try to lay across it, but it continues on, curving to one side or the other if it must. Towards the base of the slope, the hills on top of it become less pronounced. At the base of the slope, the creek has become as large as it will. The walls of its bed stretch upward about five feet. Roots from trees spit out of these walls. There, the creek is funneled through a pipe, leading under a gravel road.
At one end of the winding gravel road there is a cement ramp that leads down from a gravel parking lot and into the river. The ramp has a chain strung across it. The river is wide and mud colored and the current is strong. There is an outhouse next to the ramp, a small wooden shack on a cement slab with two doors and a wall down the middle. Inside each small room is an aluminum drum with a toilet seat on top. And underneath each small room is a dark space with three inches of blue-green water and various leavings.

Outside, the ramp itself has a texture consisting of horizontal inset lines stretching from one sloping earth boundary to the other. Around the parking lot, there are wooden posts about waist high with chipping yellow chains. The forest picks back up just beyond the boundary, the ground covered in fallen leaves and limbs.

Down on the other end of the winding gravel road, there is a large tree laid across the road, too heavy to move by hand. On one side of the road, there is a pair of tire tracks delving into the ditch and around the mess.

Somewhere amongst these hills, not far from the road, there is a cave. This cave is uncleared, with no definite path designed for human comfort. The ceilings are low and the floors are slick. The cave funnels water from the surface down the smallest of crevices and into its mysterious depths. There is no natural light beyond the mouth of this cave. Its ambling tunnels have no end or purpose other than to carry water down. Deep within the cave, there is a larger room, a hollow spot in the hill.

Not far from the cave, beyond the fallen tree in the middle of the road are a pair of houses, one white and new and one old and grey. The white house is a trailer, set into the ground, unable to move. To the left of the white house is the old house. The old house is stripped of paint with dark windows. The two story structure looks as though it might fall over any time. The houses sit next to each other, both facing the same wide yard. In the front yard, the trees stand apart from each other. Beyond the narrow back yard, the forest becomes dense again. There is an old well behind the old house. The well is made of stone and goes very far down. There is a rusty bucket perched precariously on the ledge.

At its very end, the gravel road intersects a road made of asphalt.

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