Thursday, September 16, 2010


KCAI ANIM: Pendulum from Jeff Morice on Vimeo.

Incremental #1

I've never done figure drawing in any sort of formal manner before. Today was a real education, especially given our short time limit. We had to completely capture the form and/or movement/gesture in a minute or two. It was particularly difficult from my vantage point. The overlapping action overlapped a bit too much, such that it became unclear where one form begins and another ends. I drew two little maps to assist me in discerning the jumbled shapes later. Exhausting. It reminded me of a Simpsons joke about having tried to do a live animated show, but the animator's hands kept cramping up.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


KCAI Anim Metamorphosis from Jeff Morice on Vimeo.

I very much enjoyed animating this sequence. Playing with perspective was fun, but time consuming. At first, after seeing others' work during the week, I felt as though I had gotten carried away with the first transformation. Exciting ideas kept popping into my head, which kept me committed to that lengthy sequence. I was really excited to just let the animation flow, but I'm a planner. I will be doing other metamorphoses. Hopefully a lack of bookends will allow me to let loose. All my worrying aside, when I saw the sequence completed, I was very satisfied with how smooth it was.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

KCAI ANIM: Hunting & Gathering Project, PART 1

My favorite place growing up was an open-air chapel among a small forest of purple-trunked trees. The trees' dead yellow needles litter the ground around them. This place has a certain magic to it. The treetops block out any and all sunlight, sort of displacing time, turning day into night. I am not a religious person, but if there were a god, this is where he would be.

I haven't been in Kansas City long enough to have established a true favorite place, but I tend to favor the quiet and the serene. This place is both. I very seldom cross paths with anyone else up here. The immediate area is so clear, simple, untaxing, that it is one of the few places where I can just let my mind go blank. And with nothing overhead, it is just me and the open sky.